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You are the light of my world … let your light shine before others that they may see your good work and glorify your father in heaven.
— Matthew 5:14, 16
Light my flame
A candle is a witness to faith. It is a symbol of humanity’s inner longing for divine light. It presents the flame of our love to the angels, saints, ascended masters, and the whole of the universe. The flame of the candle is a metaphor for the soul. The flame of the candle is the vehicle by which God illuminates our souls. When we make the conscious decision to connect with our spirits and walk our spiritual path, we see that the Creator of our world as light. In order for us to be one with our Creator, our light must shine brightly, not hidden by the filters of fear.
Humans have used candles for centuries, and we’ve always regarded the flame as holy, magical, and mysterious. Many Christians light candles in church as a reminder to let the light of God shine in us, and as they regard God himself as light. The Evangelist St John reveals this when he says, “God is light and in him there is no darkness at all” (John 8:12).
When we hold an intention as we light a candle, the flame brings light to our wishes and desires and guides us to manifest our dreams. The magic of a candle can change our mood in a heartbeat. The simple action of lighting a candle and allowing the flame to fill your heart with light brings about profound change because when your spirit sees the flame, it knows what to do.
Candles also create unity. We acknowledge this by lighting candles when we entertain family and friends. Lit candles in the bedroom add romance and create a burning desire for the unity of lovemaking.
It is not a coincidence that we light a candle on our birthdays for every year we’ve gained and then blow out the flame with a wish to take the light forward with us. This is another part of the mythology of candles. Even children understand the magic behind the flame as they delight in blowing out their candles. As we get older, we often choose to lose touch with our inner children and so this delight disappears, but we see the glow of our inner flames once again. This inner light then leads us on a journey of self-discovery and of discovery of the source of all light. Our delight then returns stronger than ever!
The ancient candle therapy program that I have put together will help you clearly see where you are in your life right now and where you desire to be. If you decide to commit to doing the 40 day candle therapy program, I guarantee that over the next forty days, it will guide you on a journey to free yourself from all the debris that is hanging around you so that you may find your authentic self.
There is so much more to our amazing candles. For us at Bespoke & Co. Candles, it’s not just a candle we sell. It’s a very powerful tool for both the mind and soul. So much thought goes into creating and hand pouring our Liquid Crystalline Candles©.
Our candles take you on a journey to any destination your mind and soul desires. But, they also give you a powerful tool to create transformation.
Author, Eleni Contzonis.
From her book, “Light My Candle; The Flame Within”©.